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Mining Companies
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Compass Minerals is a leading provider of essential minerals that solve nature's challenges, including salt for winter roadway safety and other consumer, industrial and agricultural uses, and specialty plant nutrition minerals that improve the quality and yield of crops. The company produces its minerals at locations throughout the U.S.,...
Amerigo's wholly owned subsidiary, Minera Valle Central (MVC), produces copper and molybdenum concentrates from tailings from the world's largest underground copper mine, Codelco's El Teniente mine, a copper producer for the past 100 years with remaining ore reserves lasting many more decades. 
Description: Bagdad is an open-pit copper and molybdenum mining complex. Did you know? Bagdad is home to the world’s first commercial-scale concentrate leach processing facility (2003) and one of the longest continuously operating solution extraction/electrowinning (SX/EW) plants in the world (1970). An unincorporated community,...
Banro is a Canadian gold company with production from its first gold project, Twangiza, which is located in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Banro is also focused on the development of its second open pit project Namoya and is undertaking exploration on two further fully permitted and licensed projects, Kamituga and Lugushwa. All...
Our Cardinal River Operations (CRO) include the Luscar and Cheviot mines, as defined by our regulatory permits. The Luscar mine dates back to 1969 when mining began at Cardinal River Coals Ltd. Today, the Luscar mine is home to our coal processing plant, a main shop, haul road, ongoing reclamation and administrative offices.
This huge open pit mine is Canada's largest iron ore mine, currently producing 17 million tonnes of iron ore concentrates per year. The majority of concentrate (13 million tonnes) is pelletized, while the rest is sold directly. 
Diamcor Mining Inc. is a fully reporting publically traded junior diamond mining company which is listed on the TSX Venture Exchange under the symbol V.DMI, and on the OTC QX International under the symbol DMIFF.  The Company has a well-established prior operational and production history in South Africa, extensive prior experience...
Dynacor Mines Inc. began operating in Peru in 1996. That year, the Company commenced the construction of the Huanca-Acari gold ore-processing plant in southern Peru
Our Elkview operation is located approximately 3 kilometres east of Sparwood in southeastern British Columbia. Teck has a 95% partnership interest in Elkview. The remaining 5% is indirectly held equally by Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Corporation, a Japanese steel producer, and POSCO, a Korean steel producer, each of which acquired...
Our Fording River operation is located 29 kilometres northeast of the community of Elkford, in southeastern British Columbia. Fording River is comprised of approximately 23,000 hectares of coal lands.